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  • Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Sister Furong . . .

    Sister Furong . . .. . . Banned from web in China? 2005

  • You just have to give it to Furong Jiejie (芙蓉姐姐) - the idols - for her remarkable ability to constantly reinvent herself to keep herself in the news.

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • And some are just hilarious, like bald acting dude Guo Donglin (郭冬临) and everybody's favorite blogging sensation Furong Jie Jie (芙蓉姐姐).

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • You just have to give it to Furong Jiejie (芙蓉姐姐) - the idols - for her remarkable ability to constantly reinvent herself to keep herself in the news.

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • And some are just hilarious, like bald acting dude Guo Donglin (郭冬临) and everybody's favorite blogging sensation Furong Jie Jie (芙蓉姐姐).

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • And some are just hilarious, like bald acting dude Guo Donglin (郭冬临) and everybody's favorite blogging sensation Furong Jie Jie (芙蓉姐姐).

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • A chubby woman nicknamed "Sister Furong" won nationwide fame in 2005 for daring poses showing lots of skin.

    Danwei - Media, Advertising, and Urban Life in China 2009

  • And some are just hilarious, like bald acting dude Guo Donglin (郭冬临) and everybody's favorite blogging sensation Furong Jie Jie (芙蓉姐姐).

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • And some are just hilarious, like bald acting dude Guo Donglin (郭冬临) and everybody's favorite blogging sensation Furong Jie Jie (芙蓉姐姐).

    Shanghaiist 2009

  • You just have to give it to Furong Jiejie (芙蓉姐姐) - the idols - for her remarkable ability to constantly reinvent herself to keep herself in the news.

    Shanghaiist 2009


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